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Q: Why do kids hate coffee, but adults enjoy it?
A: Because, when you're a kid, coffee is the bitterest experience you've had in life.

I am an avid fan of rock music with a fervid liking to progressive rock, notably Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Porcupine Tree, Jethro Tull, Phish, Wilco, Jefferson Airplane, the Beatles, Genesis, Grateful Dead etc. Also, I have an interest in writing, on topics varied from life and death, religion to plain love. You can find my writings on my Medium blog. This was culminated into an interest in film-making which sadly never took-off.
I have a mild OCD on keeping records, like song play counts: total music playtime: 4894 hours, most played song: Fountain of Lamneth by Rush (260 plays), number of movies I have watched (758) or longest git streak (35 days). Also, I have visited 16 different countries, and 47 different airports.

When I am not working, I like to run/bike/hike/climb/drink coffee or go bowling and score this:
Modified website design from this source.